Why have we listed them as best?
We recommend only what we personally know is the best and only companies we trust. Here are reasons why you can trust these companies and register/buy domain name with NO RISK.
What do these registrars have in common:
ICANN Accredited Registrars (What does this mean?). | |
Largest Domain Registrars in the world. | |
Established positive reputation. | |
Several years in business (some of them are Domain Pioneers). | |
Millions of satisfied customers. | |
Our Guarantee they are trustworthy and will not scam you. | |
We regularly do business with many of them. | |
Are going to stay for a long haul. | |
They all have privacy policies and protect customer data by laws applied in the contry they reside in. |
We daily check monitoring reports for their uptime and ICANN reports in case of any issues. |